Sunday, October 4, 2009

I am ... Juliette Blackhawk

Lac Seul member Juliette Blackhawk is an Ojibwe language teacher and education assistant at Sacred Heart Elementary School in Sioux Lookout. She is one of those people who have taken responsibility for teaching and sharing the culture of the Anishnawbeg. As such, she is widely respected in the community. Aside from teaching the language, Juliette is a ceremony keeper, conducting sweat lodges and full moon ceremonies. Gentle and calm, she radiates warmth and kindness, evident in the images we captured.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

I am ... Nick Sherman

Nick is one of those rare people. Not only is he a talented musician, he's also gracious, funny and intelligent. His music could be categorized as folk, but using one word to describe his style wouldn't really do him justice. If you get the opportunity, see Nick live.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

I am ... Josephine Mandamin

Josephine Mandamin is a gentle spirit, yet she is full of conviction and determination. Her passion and devotion to ensure the protection of our water sources has brought her around all five Great Lakes and the St. Lawrence River. As a grandmother, Josephine believes it is the responsibility of the woman to take care of our sacred water. She is truly an individual who lives by the teachings and values of the Anishnawbe culture. She is originally from Wikwemikong Unceded Territory on Manitoulin Island.